Tuesday, March 27, 2012

General db queries


I am currently running the IbuySpy Portal on my lap top using MSDE. Could anyone clarify a few points for me ...

1) If I buy SQL Server 2000 which I aim to do ... will this simply install over my MSDE and leave my portal database intact and run it as per normal?

2) I currently use web matrix to explore my portal database - I notice that in the users table of the portal the field size property for the key UserID field is set to "4" - does this in fact mean that there is only capacity to have 9999 users and then no more can be added? I assume this is correct.

3) About sql scripts - is there some utility within SQL Server that you can point at a database and it will create a .sql install script that will recreate a database - is this what Query Analyser is capable of??

Any clarification welcomed


Johnnny BHope this helps:

1. I don't believe so. You will have to run the sql scripts from MSDE into SQL Analyzer.

2. Int data type's range is: -2,147,483,48 to 2,147,483,647.

3. Try the SCRIPT method: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/sqldmo/dmoref_m_s_5e2a.aspsql

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