Thursday, March 29, 2012

General Network Error Randomly But Consistantly

We have a .net 1.1 application that gets this both with MSDE and SSE but more with SSE.

It randomly crashes with this error on laptops where they have SSE or MSDE installed on the local computer. They're being referenced by the machineName\Instance because (Local)\Instance had bugs in the past with network connections disappearing and us getting this error.
Now we're getting this, especially with Intel Wireless Cards on a random but consistant basis.

Under SSE we've had to turn on tcp/ip to make our app run, which tells me that something is preventing it from using shared memory access, which I suspect is that we're not using (Local)\Instance, so I tried switching it, and no dice, same problem.

Is anyone else getting this? It's driving us nuts!!!! (and pissing off customers)Are your laptops running Windows XP SP2? Check the firewall if you have allowed the port for SQL Server|||

With respect to SSE, what I would recommend to try is specifying the named pipe protocol in your connection string by adding "Network Library=dbnmpntw;" to your connection string.

If that connects successfull you should be able to turn off TCP/IP on your SSE.

|||Thanks! I'll try that. The firewall was open (but shouldn't have to be because it's local to local...) so I guess using named pipes (which I think is faster anyhow no?) probably can work around it.


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