Sunday, February 26, 2012

Full-text searching

I created a catalog by:
Use Pubs
EXEC sp_fulltext_catalog 'Cat_Test', 'create'
EXEC sp_fulltext_table 'publishers', 'create', 'Cat_Test', 'upkcl_pubind'
EXEC sp_fulltext_column 'publishers','pub_name','add'
EXEC sp_fulltext_column 'publishers','city','add'
EXEC sp_fulltext_column 'publishers','state','add'
EXEC sp_fulltext_table 'publishers','activate'
EXEC sp_fulltext_catalog 'Cat_Test', 'start_full'
EXEC sp_fulltext_table 'publishers','start_change_tracking'
EXEC sp_fulltext_table 'publishers','start_background_updateind
If I use the SQL
select city
from publishers
where contains (city, '"Paris"')
It return no record.
However, if I use
select *
from publishers
where city = 'Paris'
returned one record.The code you sent is working perfect for me.
Make sure that the Windows account used by the full-text service has
permissions on the SQL Server instance. I have seen that issue a few times
Ben Nevarez, MCDBA, OCP
Database Administrator
"Alan" wrote:

> I created a catalog by:
> Use Pubs
> EXEC sp_fulltext_catalog 'Cat_Test', 'create'
> EXEC sp_fulltext_table 'publishers', 'create', 'Cat_Test', 'upkcl_pubind'
> EXEC sp_fulltext_column 'publishers','pub_name','add'
> EXEC sp_fulltext_column 'publishers','city','add'
> EXEC sp_fulltext_column 'publishers','state','add'
> EXEC sp_fulltext_table 'publishers','activate'
> EXEC sp_fulltext_catalog 'Cat_Test', 'start_full'
> EXEC sp_fulltext_table 'publishers','start_change_tracking'
> EXEC sp_fulltext_table 'publishers','start_background_updateind
> If I use the SQL
> select city
> from publishers
> where contains (city, '"Paris"')
> It return no record.
> However, if I use
> select *
> from publishers
> where city = 'Paris'
> returned one record.
>|||Are you saying you can use
select city
from publishers
where contains (city, '"Paris"')
returns a record ?
Can you elaborate what do you mean by
> Make sure that the Windows account used by the full-text service has
> permissions on the SQL Server instance.
I am using Developer Edition.
"Ben Nevarez" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> The code you sent is working perfect for me.
> Make sure that the Windows account used by the full-text service has
> permissions on the SQL Server instance. I have seen that issue a few times
> before.
> Ben Nevarez, MCDBA, OCP
> Database Administrator
> "Alan" wrote:
'upkcl_pubind'[vbcol=seagreen]|||You better try this
select city
from publishers
where contains (city, 'Paris')
Go to Services on your computer and see which acount your full-text service
is using. The service name could be something like Microsoft Search or SQL
Server FullText Search. Then verify or give permissions to this account on
SQL Server.
I have seen before this service running as Local System. So, in this case NT
AUTHORITY\SYSTEM must be given permissions on the SQL Server instance.
Ben Nevarez, MCDBA, OCP
Database Administrator
"Alan" wrote:

> Are you saying you can use
> select city
> from publishers
> where contains (city, '"Paris"')
> returns a record ?
> Can you elaborate what do you mean by
> I am using Developer Edition.
> "Ben Nevarez" <> wrote in message
> 'upkcl_pubind'
>|||Hi Ben,
Yes, the service is running as Local System.
Can you tell me how do I give permission to the NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM please ?
"Ben Nevarez" <> wrote in message
> You better try this
> select city
> from publishers
> where contains (city, 'Paris')
> Go to Services on your computer and see which acount your full-text
> is using. The service name could be something like Microsoft Search or SQL
> Server FullText Search. Then verify or give permissions to this account on
> SQL Server.
> I have seen before this service running as Local System. So, in this case
> AUTHORITY\SYSTEM must be given permissions on the SQL Server instance.
> Ben Nevarez, MCDBA, OCP
> Database Administrator
> "Alan" wrote:
times[vbcol=seagreen]|||I checked in EM that the BUILTIN\Administrator has all permissions on all
And the database roles are public and db_owner.
I tried to add more permission on the role for the databases but got an
"Error 15404: Cannot use the reserved user or role name 'dbo'"
So that I cannot add more permission to the BUILTIN\Administrator.
"Alan" <> wrote in message
> Hi Ben,
> Yes, the service is running as Local System.
> Can you tell me how do I give permission to the NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM please
> Thanks
> "Ben Nevarez" <> wrote in message
> service
> NT
> times
>|||Hi Ben,
I am still in the trouble of not getting the full-text search working.
Could you direct me how do I , as you said, to give permission to my login
account on the SQL Server ?
My situation is:
1) Windows XP
2) Windows login is 'Alan', password 'Alan'
3) SQL Server 2000 Developer edition use Windows authentication
4) Run EM
5) Open QA inside EM
6) Run the T-SQL to create catalog and include tables from pubs database
7) Checked the catalog status is idle in EM and also got no result from the
query using CONTAINS in QA.
8) I had populate the catalog but the status is still idle
I am really worry about because I really need to get that done very soon but
I get stuck here.
Thank you for your time
"Ben Nevarez" <> wrote in message
> You better try this
> select city
> from publishers
> where contains (city, 'Paris')
> Go to Services on your computer and see which acount your full-text
> is using. The service name could be something like Microsoft Search or SQL
> Server FullText Search. Then verify or give permissions to this account on
> SQL Server.
> I have seen before this service running as Local System. So, in this case
> AUTHORITY\SYSTEM must be given permissions on the SQL Server instance.
> Ben Nevarez, MCDBA, OCP
> Database Administrator
> "Alan" wrote:

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