Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fulltext Thesaurus

My understanding of the fulltext search using the thesaurus function is that
it will not work until the TSxxx.XML file is populated (in my case the
tsENU.xml file.)
Is this true?
We rae migrating from SQL 2000 and I could have sworn this was working there
Maybe I am mistaken.
I do see where the MS Office products use the MSTH3AM.LEX & MSTH3BR.LEX
dictionary files to support the thesaurus lookup there. Can these files
somehow be migrated over to SQL Server 2005 for use there or somehow be read
and converted to an XML thesaurus?
Thomas MannHere's a thought......I believe MS Word was installed on the machine that
had SQL 2000 on it.
I know that when I set up a new desktop, spellcheck & thesaurus are not
available to other applications (i.e. Outlook Express) until after MS Word i
Could this be the reason the Thesaurus funtion worked on the previous
machine and not the machine running SQL 2005?
Thomas Mann|||I have opened a trouble ticket on this issue and will continue to post
updates as this progresses (so you don't have to.)
What I have found thus far is that the standard advice of removing the
commented xml code in the tsENU.xml file does not cut it. Once you do this,
the xml tries to reference the schema (tsSchema.xml) which is missing from
the SQL Server 2005 install. I located a copy of the file from an earlier
version (SQL 2000 SP3) and that solved my missing schema problem but still
the Thesaurus function would not work (even after adding the substituion
params in tsENU.xml.)
I burned one of my support incidents from my MSDN subscription and contacted
the support center. They checked several of the machines there and could not
find the missing schema file amoungst the installed files either.
Bottom line, it sounds like this might be an install problem (or an
undocumented feature.)
I will post the fix here when I find out more.
Thomas Mann

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