Monday, March 26, 2012

Gantt charts?

I have a table with start and end dates for useage of an asset and would
like to generate a sort of gantt chart for a date range. ie a horizontal
bar graph like Microsoft Project with the assests down the left-hand-side
and dates along the top.
Is this possible with SSRS? I feel like I have read about RS features that
would assist with this but can not now find an example.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Paul.On Apr 28, 9:08 pm, Paul Ritchie <>
> I have a table with start and end dates for useage of an asset and would
> like to generate a sort of gantt chart for a date range. ie a horizontal
> bar graph like Microsoft Project with the assests down the left-hand-side
> and dates along the top.
> Is this possible with SSRS? I feel like I have read about RS features that
> would assist with this but can not now find an example.
> Any ideas would be much appreciated.
> cheers,
> Paul.
I myself haven't done Gantt charts via SSRS: it seems to be a rare
topic. This company seems to have experience in this area:
I would suggest using a stacked bar chart to accomplish this.
Enrique Martinez
Sr. Software Consultantsql

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